
"The Bible Project:" A Tool to Enhance Your Reading

I often share an article about starting a Scripture reading plan, especially around the new year, which you can find here: "Resolved to Read God's Word."

This year, I want to share a great resource to help people better understand just what they're reading.

The Bible Project has created beautifully illustrated summaries of every book in the Bible, plus lots of series and theme videos to help you understand particular topics. And at this point they're still creating, with much of their content being crowd funded.

The site does offer some reading plans, which you can follow via an app, get notifications for by e-mail or even download in print, but you can definitely use their videos to enhance any plan you choose. Here's an intro video for more on who they are.

I've also included the first half of Genesis here just so you can get a feel for their riveting style. Or, go ahead and get started there if that's your pick.

However you choose to get reading, I hope these videos are a great help as you get to know the Lord through His Word.

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